Saturday, November 14, 2009

Don't forget the duct tape...

... because it has so many uses, you just never know when some of that sticky stuff will really come in handy for you.

But it usually comes on a huge roll which will take up a lot of space in your luggage, not to mention getting everything it touches sticky, if you aren't lucky.

You aren't likely to need the whole roll, so either buy a flat pack of tape at a camping or travel supplier, or make your own. It's a very easy thing to do, actually.

Take an index card and fold it in half. Carefully wrap the tape around the card as a core, then around and around over itself like it was on the roll. Put as much as you might think you will need on the card, then cut it. Fold under a tiny bit of the end of the tape and stick it to the small roll to hold it.

Almost instant and cheap flat pack of duct tape for traveling. :)

These flat packs also fit wonderfully in the glove compartment of a car much better than a roll.

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